Promoting Interest in All Aspects of Natural History

Monthly Meeting:
Join us at 7pm on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month at Olive Pink Botanic Garden Visitors Centre

Additional information can be found in the current newsletter.

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About the Club Contacts & Fees Current Newsletter (pdf) Archive of Past Newsletters

Contact Us

Meetings and Field Trips

Club Fees

Mail to:
Alice Springs Field Naturalists
PO Box 8663
Alice Springs NT 0871

Email to:

President Vacant

Vice President Vacant

Secretary Lisa McLean

Treasurer Neil Woolcock

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month from February through November each year (there are no meetings in January or December).

Location: Olive Pink Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre

Time: 7 pm start

Meetings begin with a one hour presentation by a guest speaker followed by refreshments. Visitors are welcome.

Field excursions occur throughout the year, generally on weekends and holidays. Details of upcoming excursions and guest speakers can be found in the current newsletter.

Individual: $25   Family: $35

Individual concession: $20

Family concession: $30

Concessions are for students or people not in paid work.

Subscription year is from 1 August to 31 July. 

Half year discounts (new members only) are available after January.

Membership form