Promoting Interest in All Aspects of Natural History

Monthly Meeting:
Join us at 7pm on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month at Olive Pink Botanic Garden Visitors Centre

Additional information can be found in the current newsletter.

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About the Club Contacts & Fees Current Newsletter (pdf) Archive of Past Newsletters

Who We Are:

A group of people of all ages, interested in the natural world. Many of the group are experts in particular fields: geology, fauna, and flora. All are keen both to learn and to share their particular knowledge with others.

What We Do:


Regular monthly meetings are held, with a guest speaker talking about some aspect of natural history. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month (except December and January). 2025 meetings will be held at Olive Pink Botanic Garden at 7pm. Visitors are welcome.


Field trips are usually organised at weekends, longer ones in the winter months, shorter ones in the heat of summer. These include bushwalks of varying grades, drives to interesting locations and nocturnal wildlife spotting. They may be day trips or over several days and include camping.

There is always plenty of time for observations, identifications, discussions and photographs. Browse our newsletters to see photos and descriptions of our past excursions.


A monthly newsletter is sent to all members with information on meetings, trips and activities, and any other articles of interest submitted by members. Details about upcoming trips and speakers can be found in the current newsletter

Recent Highlights:


  • Walking the Larapinta Trail
  • Eons of change in the Simpson Desert
  • Fish ecology in central Australia
  • Todd River management
  • Flood damage at Birthday Waterhole
  • Biosecurity in central Australia
  • Megafauna of central Australia
  • Ecological surveying


  • Exploring around Limestone Bore, West Macs
  • Frog Fridays at Simpsons Gap
  • Maloney Creek fossil hunt
  • Yeperenye Trail - Jessie Gap to Emily Gap
  • Various explorations at N'Dhala Gorge, Standley Chasm, Serpentine Chalet, Kuyunba Reserve
  • Three-day camp at Newhaven Wildlife Sanctuary with APS
  • Behind the scenes at the Alice Springs Desert Park


  • Bird counts at OPBG and Ilparpa claypans
  • Pollinators at Emily Gap